Australian Native Plants

Leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens


Australian Native Plants has a wide selection of books on plants, design and care available online or at the growing grounds.
Gardening with Australian Rainforest Plants
Gardening with Australian Rainforest Plants by Ralph Bailey & Julie Lake This informative book tells you how you can turn your garden into a cool, green, self-contained world, a haven for birdlife and tranquil retreat for busy people. Includes designs & plant lists and 100 favourite plants described, many of which are available in Californian nurseries. Over 130 color photographs.
Title: Gardening with Australian Rainforest Plants
Category: Design
Publisher: Bloomings Books, 2001
Pages: 148
Photos: 130
Binding: Paperback
Availablity: not available


Book Information

Recommendations: there are a few books we feel should be on every gardener's self. Take a look at our Must Have Books in the Books section of the HELP page.

Backordered: If you are interested in a book that is listed as "backordered", please contact us for approximate delivery date or to place an order.



Many Australian plants can be successfully grown as Bonsai specimens? Banksia grandis, Brachychitons, Buckinghamia, many Callistemons and many Leptospermums See our custom plant list for more suggestions.

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