Australian Native Plants

Leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens


Australian Native Plants has a wide selection of books on plants, design and care available online or at the growing grounds.
Growing Native Plants Indoors
Growing Native Plants Indoors describes hundreds of Australian foliage and flowering plants and explains how to successfully, with information for each species and its own particular lightening, watering, temperature, pruning and control needs. As well, Growing Native Plants Indoors gives helpful advice about potting mixtures, propagation and pests and diseases, as well as how to set up an aquarium or terrarium using native plants. Filled with colour and black and white photographs and clear illustrations and diagrams, this book will help you to enjoy the delights of Australia's flora in your home. An older book but still an excellent reference.
Title: Growing Native Plants Indoors
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Australia, 1992
Pages: 186
Photos: 85
Binding: Paperback
Availablity: not available


Book Information

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Backordered: If you are interested in a book that is listed as "backordered", please contact us for approximate delivery date or to place an order.



Many Australian plants can be successfully grown as Bonsai specimens? Banksia grandis, Brachychitons, Buckinghamia, many Callistemons and many Leptospermums See our custom plant list for more suggestions.

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