Australian Native Plants

Leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens


Selected events where Australian Native Plants or our plants are featured.

Past Events

  • 13Apr2022

    Plant Sale 23-24th April at ANP Growing Grounds

    dates: 4/13/2022 - 4/25/2022

    location: Australian Native Plants Growing Grounds Nye Rd Casitas Springs

    description: Horticultural Yard Sale* Saturday 23rd April 9am-5pm and Sunday 24th April 10am-3pm. I can't believe I forgot to post this here! My computer crashed and so have lost - temporarily I hope- my email address to send notification of the sale. Please come if you can make it! 15% discount off plants and clay pots imported from Egypt...they are beautiful.. complete with flaws! I hope some of you can make it.....Jo *Stolen from Jill Vig LA Arboreteum

    download export event to calendaring application


What About the Bees?

Bees are attracted to mostly White and Blue flowers. Check out Grevillea Moonlight and Lechenaultia biloba.

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