date: 9/2/2024 9/2/2024
location: Australian Native Plants Nye Rd Casitas Springs
description: I am back from Australia with a great collection of books for sale. I am in the middle of re-doing the website so am not listing all books that I have online but you can contact me directly if you are interested in any of the 5 books listed; (Check the website too) Growing Australian Natives by Jon Mason 2nd Edition @ $35 Native. Art and Design with Australian Plants. Kate Herd and Jela Ivankovic-Waters @ $45 The City Gardener. Richard Unsworth @ $40 The Waterwise Australian Native Garden. A practical guide to garden design, plant selection and much more. Angus Stewart & AB Bishop @ $40.
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Bees are attracted to mostly White and Blue flowers. Check out Grevillea Moonlight and Lechenaultia biloba.