dates: 1/1/2011 - 1/31/2011
location: Gardens By The Bay Singapore
description: www.gardensbythebay.org.sg
We recently shipped 472 of our - mostly large - plants to a new Botanic Garden in Singapore to live in a Geodesic Dome in the city. Check out their website to look at this new garden. It will be the first Mediterranean Garden built in the Tropics. If visiting Singapore visit the gardens. The Grand Opening is November 2011.
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dates: 6/26/2012 - 7/31/2012
location: Magazine
description: June Issue of Garden Design has a great article on our Australian Plants in their GROW section. Check it out and let me know that you have seen it....Jo
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date: 2/1/2014 2/1/2014
location: Garden in Cheviott Hills
description: There is a lovely story about a wonderful Australian and South African garden in Cheviott Hills that we worked with Lavi Daniels and his partner Rene Bertrand. The story is at L.A.Daileynews.com. Check it out!
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date: 2/10/2014 2/10/2014
location: Australian Native Plants Nursery
description: http://agrowingobsession.com/?p=52759
Denise from A Growing Obsession Blog wrote this lovely story about visiting the nursery and the Taft Garden in Ojai.
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dates: 4/1/2015 - 4/30/2015
location: Garden Compass App for IPhone Users
description: Don't forget this IPhone app! IPhone users can now have plants identified by this Garden Compass App. Its a great tool for gardeners all over the world - one just needs an IPhone! Check it out.
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dates: 12/26/2015 - 12/31/2015
location: ANP
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dates: 6/16/2016 - 7/31/2016
location: http://gardendrum.com
description: This is a great website for garden information if travelling to Australia also if you are looking for garden stays vs hotel type accommodation. Check it out...we're on there!
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dates: 1/4/2018 - 1/31/2018
location: Australian Native Plants Nursery
description: Finally the phone line is repaired and usable! 805.649.3362 Please call to make an appointment Monday-Friday 9-5pm. I am around cleaning up and would welcome the visit! Thanks Jo
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dates: 3/1/2018 - 3/31/2018
location: Australian Native Plants
description: Thank you to everyone for their kindness and support over the last few months! There's been a lot going on and we are hoping for a peaceful transition into our new phase. Come and visit me at the nursery but please let me know when you are coming. Thanks again Jo
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dates: 12/26/2018 - 1/2/2019
location: Australian Native Plants
description: We are open over the holidays except New Years Day. Please call me if you are wanting to visit. I wish everyone the very best for the coming New Year. warmest regards to everyone...Jo
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