Handsome small tree 15-25', dwarf forms approximately 6' also available. Trees are fairly upright with rough grey bark and sometimes spreading limbs. The large divided leaves surround the flower-head like a large erect yellow candle followed by large seed cones. The cones are used by wood turners for vases. Beautiful specimen plants for any garden or container.
Biological Name: Banksia grandis
Common Name: Bull Banksia or Giant Banksia
Flower Color: Yellow
Flower Time: Fall-Winter-Spring
Height: 15-25'
Width: Variable
See also...
Availability ...
1 Gallon: backordered
2 Gallon: not available
5 Gallon: $65.00
15 Gallon: backordered
Mail Order Plant (online only): backordered
Seeds (online only): not available
Propagation Information: No pre-treatment required. Seed germinates readily 4-12 weeks. Sow seed in mix 3:1 Perlite:Peat and cover the depth of the seed. Keep moist until germination occurs. Best to sow in individual containers to prevent damage to the root system when transplanting. Drench seed with a fungicide after sowing to prevent "Damping Off'.