Attractive foliage and flowers but can be scratchy to touch so useful for controlling foot traffic. Leathery green-grey leaves with pointed tips. Flower buds are green, opening to white and red and are profuse and honey-scented. It has a lignotuber and so responds to hard pruning. Attractive screen or windbreak.
Biological Name: Hakea amplexicaulis
Common Name:
Flower Color: White ages to Red
Flower Time: Winter-spring
Height: 3-6' Variable
Width: 5-8'
See also...
Availability ...
1 Gallon: not available
2 Gallon: not available
5 Gallon: not available
15 Gallon: not available
Mail Order Plant (online only): not available
Seeds (online only): not available
Propagation Information: Seed germinates readily. Sow 3:1 Perlite:Peat. Lightly cover seed. Drench seed with a fungicide to prevent "damping off". Seed should germinate in 30-45 days.