Australian Native Plants

Leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens


Australian Native Plants, located in Ventura, CA, is a leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens. Shop the online store or come visit us (by appointment only).
Alyogyne cuneformis


An upright ornamental shrub 8'x4' with narrow green leaves and often suckers from the roots to form a copse. It has yellow flowers with a dark red center spot & flowers in summer. Prefers full sun or partial shade and well-drained soils. It is intolerant of waterlgging. Grows well in Ojai or on the coast.


Biological Name: Alyogyne cuneformis
Common Name: None
Family: Malvaceae
Flower Color: Creamy yellow with Red Spot
Flower Time: Summer
Height: 8'
Width: Narrow habit
See also...
Availability ...
1 Gallon: not available
2 Gallon: not available
5 Gallon: not available
15 Gallon: not available
Mail Order Plant (online only): not available
Seeds (online only): not available
Propagation Information: Not usually grown from seed.



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Hardenbergia, Acacia, Senna and Casuarinas have nitrogen-fixing nodules on their root systems to help provide nitrogen for other plants close to them?

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